Accessing Alcator C-Mod data

profiletools provides a collection of functions to access Alcator C-Mod data. This prevents the user from having to remember the diverse set of MDSplus calls needed to load the data from the tree and delivers the data in the standard BivariatePlasmaProfile class. Notice that each of these are implemented as a function and not a class – that way all of the instances for a given quantity are the same class.


Loading the data

To load the electron density profile from shot 1101014006, simply call the ne() function:

p = ne(1101014006, include=['CTS', 'ETS'])

The optional keyword include specifies which signal are included – in this case core and edge Thomson scattering. If you want the data expressed in a specific coordinate system, use the abscissa keyword:

p = ne(1101014006, abscissa='r/a')

Or, call convert_abscissa():

p = ne(1101014006)

Selecting a time window or specific time points

To request data only from a certain time window, use the t_min and t_max keywords. For instance, to get the data from 1.0s to 1.5s, you would type:

p = ne(1101014006, t_min=1.0, t_max=1.5)

If you want to remove points after having created the BivariatePlasmaProfile, then you can use the remove_points() method:

p.remove_points((p.X[:, 0] < t_min) | (p.X[:, 0] > t_max))

If you want to only keep points at specific times (such as points at a specific sawtooth phase), you can use the keep_times() method. For each time point designated, this will find the point in the profile which is closest. If there are many missing datapoints, blindly applying this technique can result in data far from the desired point being included. Hence, the tol keyword will cause keep_times() to only keep points that are within tol of the target. So, to keep the points within 1ms of 1.0s, 1.1s and 1.3s, you would type:

p.keep_times([1.0, 1.1, 1.3], tol=1e-3)

Time averaging or using all points

Once the data are loaded and confined to the desired window, you can time-average them. Thomson scattering data have computed uncertainties in the tree, so you can (and should) use a weighted average:


There are a wide variety of options for how the data are averaging depending on the specific application – see average_points() for more details.

If instead you want to keep all of the points within the designated time window, you can simply drop that axis from X. Recall that time is always the first column, so you would call:


Plotting the data and smoothing it with a Gaussian process

You can plot the data simply by calling plot_data().

Once you have picked the slices you want and/or time-averaged the data, you can fit a Gaussian process with the following steps:


This will plot the smoothed profile on a somewhat sensible grid on the axis created in the previous call to plot_data(). plot_data() is a convenience method to get a quick look at the smoothed profile. To evaluate the profile on a specific grid, use the smooth() method:

roa = scipy.linspace(0, 1.2, 100)
mean, stddev = p.smooth(roa)

You can also have smooth() plot the fit at the same time using the plot keyword:

ax, mean, stddev = p.smooth(roa, plot=True)

Gradients and linear transformations

You can compute gradients simply by passing the n keyword:

mean_gradient, stddev_gradient = p.smooth(roa, n=1)

You can even compute a mixture of values and gradients at once:

roa2 = scipy.concatenate((roa, roa))
n = scipy.concatenate((scipy.zeros_like(roa), scipy.ones_like(roa)))
mean, stddev = p.smooth(roa2, n=n)

You can even get the covariances by using the return_cov keyword:

mean, cov = p.smooth(roa2, n=n, return_cov=True)

See the documentation for gptools.GaussianProcess.predict() for more details (

To compute linearly-transformed quantities (such as line or volume integrals), pass your transformation matrix into the output_transform keyword:

mean, stddev = p.smooth(roa_vals, output_transform=T)

Here, roa_vals are the M points the density is evaluated at and T is a transformation matrix with shape (N, M) that transforms the values at those M points into the N transformed outputs. compute_volume_average() is a convenience method that uses this approach to compute the volume average and its uncertainty.

compute_a_over_L() is a convenience method to compute the normalized inverse gradient scale length. This calculation uses the covariance between values and gradients to properly propagate the uncertainty. Since the error propagation equation breaks down in the edge where the value goes to zero, you can set full_MC = True to use full Monte Carlo error propagation.

When computing gradients (either directly with smooth() or indirectly with compute_a_over_L()) it is important to use Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to integrate over the possible hyperparameters of the model in order to fully capture the uncertainty in the fit. This is accomplished by leaving out the call to find_gp_MAP_estimate() and instead setting use_MCMC=True when calling smooth() or compute_a_over_L(). You can control the properties of the MCMC sampler using the keywords for gptools.GaussianProcess.compute_from_MCMC() ( and gptools.GaussianProcess.sample_hyperparameter_posterior() (

Complete example

The complete example to load and plot the electron density data as a function of r/a from shot 1101014006 averaged over 1.0s to 1.5s is:

p = ne(1101014006, t_min=1.0, t_max=1.5, abscissa='r/a')
roa = scipy.linspace(0, 1.2, 100)
ax, mean, std = p.smooth(roa, plot=True, ax='gca')

Signals supported

Electron density

The following diagnostics are supported:

  • neCTS(): Core Thomson scattering.
  • neETS(): Edge Thomson scattering.
  • neTCI(): Two-color interferometer. This is a line- integrated diagnostic. Loading the data is rather slow because the quadrature weights must be computed. Fitting the data is rather slow because of the computational cost of including all of the quadrature points in the Gaussian process. There are several parameters that let you adjust the tradeoff between computational time and accuracy, see the documentation for more details.
  • neReflect(): Scape-off layer reflectometer. Because of how these data are stored and processed you need to be very careful about how you include them in your fits.

Electron temperature

The following diagnostics are supported:

  • TeCTS(): Core Thomson scattering.
  • TeETS(): Edge Thomson scattering.
  • TeFRCECE(): High spatial resolution ECE system.
  • TeGPC(): Grating polychromator ECE system.
  • TeGPC2(): Second grating polychromator ECE system.
  • TeMic(): Michelson interferometer. High frequency space resolution but low temporal resolution.

X-ray emissivity

You must be careful when interpreting the uncertainties on these fits since they are already inverted/smoothed. This is mostly useful for getting a rough look at the results of combining the two AXUV systems.

emissAX() supports both AXA and AXJ through use of the required system argument.