The profiletools data model

The Profile class

The core class of profiletools is the Profile. This class is designed primarily to hold point measurements of some quantity, which may depend on an arbitrary number of variables and can be sampled at arbitrary locations – there is no implicit assumption that observations lie on an orderly grid. Internally, a Profile instance stores the independent variables in attribute X. X is an array with shape (M, X_dim), where M is the number of observations and X_dim is the number of independent variables. The observations themselves are stored in the attribute y, which is an array of shape (M,). This is essentially how a sparse matrix is stored and is how profiletools can be so flexible about how many independent variables there are and where they are sampled. There can be uncertainties on both the independent variables (stored in the attribute err_X) and on the dependent variable (stored in the attribute err_y).


profiletools understands that particular data should be treated as a unit during averaging and so forth. Such a unit could correspond to all of the points taken at a given time, or all of the points taken by a given instrument. The attribute channels is an array with shape (M, X_dim). By default this array is just a copy of X such that measurements at the exact same locations are grouped together. But, suppose you have sensors at different locations taking time-resolved measurements. Hence, X_dim is two: the first column of X is the time and the second is the spatial coordinate of the sensor. But say each sensor has a coordinate that varies slightly in time: just using the default choice for channels will cause each individual measurement from each sensor to be treated as an independent channel, and time averaging will not have the desired effect. Instead, the second column of channels can be set such that all measurements from a given sensor have the same value and are hence treated together when averaging data.

Linearly transformed quantities

Profile objects can also incorporate quantities which are linear transformations of the underlying point measurements stored in X and y. Each channel of a transformed sensor is stored in a Channel object. This object stores the data values in attribute y which has shape (M,) along with the associated uncertainty err_y. Each measurement y is taken to be a linear transformation y=Tf(X) where X is a collection of N points and f(X) refers to the latent variables (i.e., what is stored as y in the Profile itself). The transformation matrices associated with each of the observations in y are stored in the attribute T which is an array with shape (M, N). The locations used are stored in the attribute X which has shape (M, N, X_dim), with the associated uncertainties stored in err_X. The Channel instances associated with a given Profile instance are stored in the attribute transformed.

Averaging data

Many different techniques for averaging the data and computing the associated uncertainties are supported, refer to average_points() for more details. By carrying out all averaging within a given channel using this function, it is straightforward to add additional capabilities as needed.

gptools integration

profiletools features very tight integration with the gptools package (, to perform Gaussian process fits. Creating a Gaussian process (GP) for data of arbitrary X_dim is as simple as calling the create_gp() method of the Profile instance. The GP can then be trained by calling find_gp_MAP_estimate(). Once this is complete, the smoothed curve can be obtained using smooth(). If additional adjustments to the GaussianProcess instance are needed, it is kept in the gp attribute of the Profile instance.