Additional patterns and examples

Weighted versus unweighted averaging

Diagnostics like CTS and ETS have computed uncertainties that can be used to weight the data during averaging to give a better representation of the sample statistics. But, the other diagnostics do not: an assumed value (typically 10%) is used when the data are loaded. This should be replaced with the unweighted sample standard deviation when the data are averaged in order to give an honest assessment of the variability in the quantity. To combine weighted and unweighted averaging, you should create the profiles separately:

p = Te(1101014006, include=['CTS', 'ETS'], abscissa='r/a', t_min=1.0, t_max=1.5)
p_ECE = Te(1101014006, include=['GPC', 'GPC2', 'FRCECE'], abscissa='r/a', t_min=1.0, t_max=1.5)

This example uses the add_profile() method to merge the data from p_ECE into p.

Multiple time slices

There is considerable overhead associated with loading the data from the tree and performing coordinate conversions. Since time averaging mutates the BivariatePlasmaProfile instance in place, it is necessary to keep a copy of the master profile with all of the data. This is accomplished using copy.deepcopy():

p_master = ne(1101014006, include=['CTS', 'ETS'], abscissa='r/a')
windows = [(1.0, 1.1), (1.1, 1.2)]
for w in windows:
    p = copy.deepcopy(p_master)
    p.remove_points((p.X[:, 0] < w[0]) | (p.X[:, 0] > w[1]))
    mean, std = p.smooth(roa)

Unless the plasma is changing rapidly you can probably save some time by setting the optimal hyperparameters from one time slice as the initial guess for the next time slice and setting random_starts to zero.