Source code for profiletools.CMod

# Copyright 2014 Mark Chilenski
# This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Purpose License (GPL).
# Refer to
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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"""Provides classes for working with Alcator C-Mod data via MDSplus.

from __future__ import division

from .core import Profile, Channel, read_csv, read_NetCDF
from . import transformations

import warnings
    import MDSplus
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn("Module MDSplus could not be loaded!", RuntimeWarning)
    import eqtools
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn("Module eqtools could not be loaded!", RuntimeWarning)
import scipy
import scipy.interpolate
import scipy.stats
import gptools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import TRIPPy
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn("Module TRIPPy could not be loaded!", RuntimeWarning)

_X_label_mapping = {'psinorm': r'$\psi_n$',
                    'phinorm': r'$\phi_n$',
                    'volnorm': r'$V_n$',
                    'Rmid': r'$R_{mid}$',
                    'r/a': '$r/a$',
                    'sqrtpsinorm': r'$\sqrt{\psi_n}$',
                    'sqrtphinorm': r'$\sqrt{\phi_n}$',
                    'sqrtvolnorm': r'$\sqrt{V_n}$',
                    'sqrtr/a': r'$\sqrt{r/a}$'}
_abscissa_mapping = {y:x for x, y in _X_label_mapping.iteritems()}
_X_unit_mapping = {'psinorm': '',
                   'phinorm': '',
                   'volnorm': '',
                   'Rmid': 'm',
                   'r/a': '',
                   'sqrtpsinorm': '',
                   'sqrtphinorm': '',
                   'sqrtvolnorm': '',
                   'sqrtr/a': ''}

[docs]class BivariatePlasmaProfile(Profile): """Class to represent bivariate (y=f(t, psi)) plasma data. The first column of `X` is always time. If the abscissa is 'RZ', then the second column is `R` and the third is `Z`. Otherwise the second column is the desired abscissa (psinorm, etc.). """
[docs] def remake_efit_tree(self): """Remake the EFIT tree. This is needed since EFIT tree instances aren't pickleable yet, so to store a :py:class:`BivariatePlasmaProfile` in a pickle file, you must delete the EFIT tree. """ self.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(self.shot)
[docs] def convert_abscissa(self, new_abscissa, drop_nan=True, ddof=1): """Convert the internal representation of the abscissa to new coordinates. The target abcissae are what are supported by `rho2rho` from the `eqtools` package. Namely, ======= ======================== psinorm Normalized poloidal flux phinorm Normalized toroidal flux volnorm Normalized volume Rmid Midplane major radius r/a Normalized minor radius ======= ======================== Additionally, each valid option may be prepended with 'sqrt' to return the square root of the desired normalized unit. Parameters ---------- new_abscissa : str The new abscissa to convert to. Valid options are defined above. drop_nan : bool, optional Set this to True to drop any elements whose value is NaN following the conversion. Default is True (drop NaN elements). ddof : int, optional Degree of freedom correction to use when time-averaging a conversion. """ if self.abscissa == new_abscissa: return elif self.X_dim == 1 or (self.X_dim == 2 and self.abscissa == 'RZ'): if self.abscissa.startswith('sqrt') and self.abscissa[4:] == new_abscissa: if self.X is not None: new_rho = scipy.power(self.X[:, 0], 2) # Approximate form from uncertainty propagation: err_new_rho = self.err_X[:, 0] * 2 * self.X[:, 0] # Handle transformed quantities: for p in self.transformed: p.X[:, :, 0] = scipy.power(p.X[:, :, 0], 2) p.err_X[:, :, 0] = p.err_X[:, :, 0] * 2 * p.X[:, :, 0] elif new_abscissa.startswith('sqrt') and self.abscissa == new_abscissa[4:]: if self.X is not None: new_rho = scipy.power(self.X[:, 0], 0.5) # Approximate form from uncertainty propagation: err_new_rho = self.err_X[:, 0] / (2 * scipy.sqrt(self.X[:, 0])) # Handle transformed quantities: for p in self.transformed: p.X[:, :, 0] = scipy.power(p.X[:, :, 0], 0.5) p.err_X[:, :, 0] = p.err_X[:, :, 0] / (2 * scipy.sqrt(p.X[:, :, 0])) else: times = self._get_efit_times_to_average() if self.abscissa == 'RZ': if self.X is not None: new_rhos = self.efit_tree.rz2rho( new_abscissa, self.X[:, 0], self.X[:, 1], times, each_t=True ) self.channels = self.channels[:, 0:1] self.X_dim = 1 # Handle transformed quantities: for p in self.transformed: new_rhos = self.efit_tree.rz2rho( new_abscissa, p.X[:, :, 0], p.X[:, :, 1], times, each_t=True ) p.X = scipy.delete(p.X, 1, axis=2) p.err_X = scipy.delete(p.err_X, 1, axis=2) p.X[:, :, 0] = scipy.atleast_3d(scipy.mean(new_rhos, axis=0)) p.err_X[:, :, 0] = scipy.atleast_3d(scipy.std(new_rhos, axis=0, ddof=ddof)) p.err_X[scipy.isnan(p.err_X)] = 0 else: if self.X is not None: new_rhos = self.efit_tree.rho2rho( self.abscissa, new_abscissa, self.X[:, 0], times, each_t=True ) # Handle transformed quantities: for p in self.transformed: new_rhos = self.efit_tree.rho2rho( self.abscissa, new_abscissa, p.X[:, :, 0], times, each_t=True ) p.X[:, :, 0] = scipy.atleast_3d(scipy.mean(new_rhos, axis=0)) p.err_X[:, :, 0] = scipy.atleast_3d(scipy.std(new_rhos, axis=0, ddof=ddof)) p.err_X[scipy.isnan(p.err_X)] = 0 if self.X is not None: new_rho = scipy.mean(new_rhos, axis=0) err_new_rho = scipy.std(new_rhos, axis=0, ddof=ddof) err_new_rho[scipy.isnan(err_new_rho)] = 0 if self.X is not None: self.X = scipy.atleast_2d(new_rho).T self.err_X = scipy.atleast_2d(err_new_rho).T self.X_labels = [_X_label_mapping[new_abscissa]] self.X_units = [_X_unit_mapping[new_abscissa]] else: if self.abscissa.startswith('sqrt') and self.abscissa[4:] == new_abscissa: if self.X is not None: new_rho = scipy.power(self.X[:, 1], 2) # Handle transformed quantities: for p in self.transformed: p.X[:, :, 1] = scipy.power(p.X[:, :, 1], 2) p.err_X[:, :, 1] = scipy.zeros_like(p.X[:, :, 1]) elif new_abscissa.startswith('sqrt') and self.abscissa == new_abscissa[4:]: if self.X is not None: new_rho = scipy.power(self.X[:, 1], 0.5) # Handle transformed quantities: for p in self.transformed: p.X[:, :, 1] = scipy.power(p.X[:, :, 1], 0.5) p.err_X[:, :, 1] = scipy.zeros_like(p.X[:, :, 1]) elif self.abscissa == 'RZ': # Need to handle this case separately because of the extra column: if self.X is not None: new_rho = self.efit_tree.rz2rho( new_abscissa, self.X[:, 1], self.X[:, 2], self.X[:, 0], each_t=False ) self.channels = self.channels[:, 0:2] self.X_dim = 2 # Handle transformed quantities: for p in self.transformed: p.X[:, :, 1] = self.efit_tree.rz2rho( new_abscissa, p.X[:, :, 1], p.X[:, :, 2], p.X[:, :, 0], each_t=False ) p.X = scipy.delete(p.X, 2, axis=2) p.err_X = scipy.delete(p.err_X, 2, axis=2) p.err_X[:, :, 1] = scipy.zeros_like(p.X[:, :, 1]) else: if self.X is not None: new_rho = self.efit_tree.rho2rho( self.abscissa, new_abscissa, self.X[:, 1], self.X[:, 0], each_t=False ) # Handle transformed quantities: for p in self.transformed: p.X[:, :, 1] = self.efit_tree.rho2rho( self.abscissa, new_abscissa, p.X[:, :, 1], p.X[:, :, 0], each_t=False ) p.err_X[:, :, 1] = scipy.zeros_like(p.X[:, :, 1]) if self.X is not None: err_new_rho = scipy.zeros_like(self.X[:, 0]) self.X = scipy.hstack(( scipy.atleast_2d(self.X[:, 0]).T, scipy.atleast_2d(new_rho).T )) self.err_X = scipy.hstack(( scipy.atleast_2d(self.err_X[:, 0]).T, scipy.atleast_2d(err_new_rho).T )) self.X_labels = [self.X_labels[0], _X_label_mapping[new_abscissa]] self.X_units = [self.X_units[0], _X_unit_mapping[new_abscissa]] self.abscissa = new_abscissa if drop_nan and self.X is not None: self.remove_points(scipy.isnan(self.X).any(axis=1))
[docs] def time_average(self, **kwargs): """Compute the time average of the quantity. Stores the original bounds of `t` to `self.t_min` and `self.t_max`. All parameters are passed to :py:meth:`average_data`. """ if self.X is not None: self.t_min = self.X[:, 0].min() self.t_max = self.X[:, 0].max() if len(self.transformed) > 0: t_min_T = min([p.X[:, :, 0].min() for p in self.transformed]) t_max_T = max([p.X[:, :, 0].max() for p in self.transformed]) if self.X is None: self.t_min = t_min_T self.t_max = t_max_T else: self.t_min = min(self.t_min, t_min_T) self.t_max = max(self.t_max, t_max_T) self.average_data(axis=0, **kwargs)
[docs] def drop_axis(self, axis): """Drops a selected axis from `X`. Parameters ---------- axis : int The index of the axis to drop. """ if self.X_labels[axis] == '$t$': if self.X is not None: self.t_min = self.X[:, 0].min() self.t_max = self.X[:, 0].max() if len(self.transformed) > 0: t_min_T = min([p.X[:, :, 0].min() for p in self.transformed]) t_max_T = max([p.X[:, :, 0].max() for p in self.transformed]) if self.X is None: self.t_min = t_min_T self.t_max = t_max_T else: self.t_min = min(self.t_min, t_min_T) self.t_max = max(self.t_max, t_max_T) super(BivariatePlasmaProfile, self).drop_axis(axis)
[docs] def keep_times(self, times, **kwargs): """Keeps only the nearest points to vals along the time axis for each channel. Parameters ---------- times : array of float The values the time should be close to. **kwargs : optional kwargs All additional kwargs are passed to :py:meth:`~profiletools.core.Profile.keep_slices`. """ if self.X_labels[0] != '$t$': raise ValueError("Cannot keep specific time slices after time-averaging!") try: iter(times) except TypeError: times = [times] self.times = times self.keep_slices(0, times, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_profile(self, other): """Absorbs the data from another profile object. Parameters ---------- other : :py:class:`Profile` :py:class:`Profile` to absorb. """ # Warn about merging profiles from different shots: if self.shot != other.shot: warnings.warn("Merging data from two different shots: %d and %d" % (self.shot, other.shot,)) other.convert_abscissa(self.abscissa) # Split off the diagnostic description when merging profiles: super(BivariatePlasmaProfile, self).add_profile(other) if self.y_label != other.y_label: self.y_label = self.y_label.split(', ')[0]
[docs] def remove_edge_points(self, allow_conversion=True): """Removes points that are outside the LCFS. Must be called when the abscissa is a normalized coordinate. Assumes that the last column of `self.X` is space: so it will do the wrong thing if you have already taken an average along space. Parameters ---------- allow_conversion : bool, optional If True and self.abscissa is 'RZ', then the profile will be converted to psinorm and the points will be dropped. Default is True (allow conversion). """ if self.X is not None: if self.abscissa == 'RZ': if allow_conversion: warnings.warn( "Removal of edge points not supported with abscissa RZ. Will " "convert to psinorm." ) self.convert_abscissa('psinorm') else: raise ValueError( "Removal of edge points not supported with abscissa RZ!" ) if 'r/a' in self.abscissa or 'norm' in self.abscissa: x_out = 1.0 elif self.abscissa == 'Rmid': if self.X_dim == 1: t_EFIT = self._get_efit_times_to_average() x_out = scipy.mean(self.efit_tree.getRmidOutSpline()(t_EFIT)) else: assert self.X_dim == 2 x_out = self.efit_tree.getRmidOutSpline()(scipy.asarray(self.X[:, 0]).ravel()) else: raise ValueError( "Removal of edge points not supported with abscissa %s!" % (self.abscissa,) ) self.remove_points((self.X[:, -1] >= x_out) | scipy.isnan(self.X[:, -1]))
[docs] def constrain_slope_on_axis(self, err=0, times=None): """Constrains the slope at the magnetic axis of this Profile's Gaussian process to be zero. Note that this is accomplished approximately for bivariate data by specifying the slope to be zero at the magnetic axis for a number of points in time. It is assumed that the Gaussian process has already been created with a call to :py:meth:`create_gp`. It is required that the abscissa be either Rmid or one of the normalized coordinates. Parameters ---------- err : float, optional The uncertainty to place on the slope constraint. The default is 0 (slope constraint is exact). This could also potentially be an array for bivariate data where you wish to have the uncertainty vary in time. times : array-like, optional The times to impose the constraint at. Default is to use the unique time values in `X[:, 0]`. """ if self.X_dim == 1: if self.abscissa == 'Rmid': t_EFIT = self._get_efit_times_to_average() x0 = scipy.mean(self.efit_tree.getMagRSpline()(t_EFIT)) elif 'norm' in self.abscissa or 'r/a' in self.abscissa: x0 = 0 else: raise ValueError("Magnetic axis slope constraint is not " "supported for abscissa '%s'. Convert to a " "normalized coordinate or Rmid to use this " "constraint." % (self.abscissa,)), 0, err_y=err, n=1) elif self.X_dim == 2: if times is None: times = scipy.unique(self.X[:, 0]) if self.abscissa == 'Rmid': x0 = self.efit_tree.getMagRSpline()(times) elif 'norm' in self.abscissa or 'r/a' in self.abscissa: x0 = scipy.zeros_like(times) else: raise ValueError("Magnetic axis slope constraint is not " "supported for abscissa '%s'. Convert to a " "normalized coordinate or Rmid to use this " "constraint." % (self.abscissa,)) y = scipy.zeros_like(x0) X = scipy.hstack((scipy.atleast_2d(times).T, scipy.atleast_2d(x0).T)) n = scipy.tile([0, 1], (len(y), 1)), y, err_y=err, n=n) else: raise ValueError("Magnetic axis slope constraint is not supported " "for X_dim=%d, abscissa '%s'. Convert to a " "normalized coordinate or Rmid to use this " "constraint." % (self.X_dim, self.abscissa,))
[docs] def constrain_at_limiter(self, err_y=0.01, err_dy=0.1, times=None, n_pts=4, expansion=1.25): """Constrains the slope and value of this Profile's Gaussian process to be zero at the GH limiter. The specific value of `X` coordinate to impose this constraint at is determined by finding the point of the GH limiter which has the smallest mapped coordinate. If the limiter location is not found in the tree, the system will instead use R=0.91m, Z=0.0m as the limiter location. This is a bit outside of where the limiter is, but will act as a conservative approximation for cases where the exact position is not available. Note that this is accomplished approximately for bivariate data by specifying the slope and value to be zero at the limiter for a number of points in time. It is assumed that the Gaussian process has already been created with a call to :py:meth:`create_gp`. The abscissa cannot be 'Z' or 'RZ'. Parameters ---------- err_y : float, optional The uncertainty to place on the value constraint. The default is 0.01. This could also potentially be an array for bivariate data where you wish to have the uncertainty vary in time. err_dy : float, optional The uncertainty to place on the slope constraint. The default is 0.1. This could also potentially be an array for bivariate data where you wish to have the uncertainty vary in time. times : array-like, optional The times to impose the constraint at. Default is to use the unique time values in `X[:, 0]`. n_pts : int, optional The number of points outside of the limiter to use. It helps to use three or more points outside the plasma to ensure appropriate behavior. The constraint is applied at `n_pts` linearly spaced points between the limiter location (computed as discussed above) and the limiter location times `expansion`. If you set this to one it will only impose the constraint at the limiter. Default is 4. expansion : float, optional The factor by which the coordinate of the limiter location is multiplied to get the outer limit of the `n_pts` constraint points. Default is 1.25. """ if self.abscissa in ['RZ', 'Z']: raise ValueError( "Limiter constraint is not supported for abscissa '%s'. Convert " "to a normalized coordinate or Rmid to use this constraint." % (self.abscissa,) ) R_lim, Z_lim = self.get_limiter_locations() if self.X_dim == 1: t_EFIT = self._get_efit_times_to_average() rho_lim = scipy.nanmean( self.efit_tree.rz2rho(self.abscissa, R_lim, Z_lim, t_EFIT, each_t=True), axis=0 ) xa = rho_lim.min() if scipy.isnan(xa): warnings.warn( "Could not convert limiter location, limiter constraint " "will NOT be applied!" ) return print("limiter location=%g" % (xa,)) x_pts = scipy.linspace(xa, xa * expansion, n_pts) y = scipy.zeros_like(x_pts), y, err_y=err_y, n=0), y, err_y=err_dy, n=1) elif self.X_dim == 2: if times is None: times = scipy.unique(scipy.asarray(self.X[:, 0]).ravel()) rho_lim = self.efit_tree.rz2rho(self.abscissa, R_lim, Z_lim, times, each_t=True) xa = rho_lim.min(axis=1) x_pts = scipy.asarray([scipy.linspace(x, x * expansion, n_pts) for x in xa]).flatten() times = scipy.tile(times, n_pts) X = scipy.hstack((scipy.atleast_2d(times).T, scipy.atleast_2d(x_pts).T)) y = scipy.zeros_like(x_pts) n = scipy.tile([0, 1], (len(y), 1)), y, err_y=err_y, n=0), y, err_y=err_dy, n=n) else: raise ValueError( "Limiter constraint is not supported for X_dim=%d, abscissa " "'%s'. Convert to a normalized coordinate or Rmid to use this " "constraint." % (self.X_dim, self.abscissa,))
[docs] def remove_quadrature_points_outside_of_limiter(self): """Remove any of the quadrature points which lie outside of the limiter. This is accomplished by setting their weights to zero. When :py:meth:`create_gp` is called, it will call :py:meth:`GaussianProcess.condense_duplicates` which will remove any points for which all of the weights are zero. This only affects the transformed quantities in `self.transformed`. """ if self.abscissa in ['RZ', 'Z']: raise ValueError( "Removal of quadrature points outside of the limiter is not " "supported for abscissa '%s'. Convert to a normalized coordinate " "or Rmid to use this method." % (self.abscissa,) ) R_lim, Z_lim = self.get_limiter_locations() if self.X_dim == 1: # In this case, there is a unique set of times, and we can just find # one unique limiter location: t_EFIT = self._get_efit_times_to_average() rho_lim = scipy.mean( self.efit_tree.rz2rho(self.abscissa, R_lim, Z_lim, t_EFIT, each_t=True), axis=0 ) xa = rho_lim.min() for t in self.transformed: t.T[t.X[:, :, 0] > xa] = 0.0 elif self.X_dim == 2: # This case is harder. For each transformed variable, we must find # the limiter location at each time value present. for t in self.transformed: times = scipy.unique(scipy.asarray(t.X[:, :, 0]).ravel()) rho_lim = self.efit_tree.rz2rho(self.abscissa, R_lim, Z_lim, times, each_t=True) xa = rho_lim.min(axis=1) for t_val, xa_val in zip(times, xa): t.T[(t.X[:, :, 0] == t_val) & (t.X[:, :, 1] > xa_val)] = 0.0 else: raise ValueError( "Removal of quadrature points outside of the limiter is not " "supported for X_dim=%d, abscissa '%s'. Convert to a normalized " "coordinate or Rmid to use this method." % (self.X_dim, self.abscissa) )
[docs] def get_limiter_locations(self): """Retrieve the location of the GH limiter from the tree. If the data are not there (they are missing for some old shots), use R=0.91m, Z=0.0m. """ # Fail back to a conservative position if the limiter data are not in # the tree: try: analysis = MDSplus.Tree('analysis', self.shot) Z_lim = analysis.getNode('.limiters.gh_limiter.z').getData().data() R_lim = analysis.getNode('.limiters.gh_limiter.r').getData().data() except: warnings.warn( "No limiter data, defaulting to R=0.91, Z=0.0!", RuntimeWarning ) Z_lim = [0.0] R_lim = [0.91] return R_lim, Z_lim
[docs] def create_gp(self, constrain_slope_on_axis=True, constrain_at_limiter=True, axis_constraint_kwargs={}, limiter_constraint_kwargs={}, **kwargs): """Create a Gaussian process to handle the data. Calls :py:meth:`~profiletools.core.Profile.create_gp`, then imposes constraints as requested. Defaults to using a squared exponential kernel in two dimensions or a Gibbs kernel with tanh warping in one dimension. Parameters ---------- constrain_slope_on_axis : bool, optional If True, a zero slope constraint at the magnetic axis will be imposed after creating the gp. Default is True (constrain slope). constrain_at_limiter : bool, optional If True, a zero slope and value constraint at the GH limiter will be imposed after creating the gp. Default is True (constrain at axis). axis_constraint_kwargs : dict, optional The contents of this dictionary are passed as kwargs to :py:meth:`constrain_slope_on_axis`. limiter_constraint_kwargs : dict, optional The contents of this dictionary are passed as kwargs to :py:meth:`constrain_at_limiter`. **kwargs : optional kwargs All remaining kwargs are passed to :py:meth:`Profile.create_gp`. """ # Increase the diagonal factor for multivariate data -- I was having # issues with the default level when using slope constraints. if self.X_dim > 1 and 'diag_factor' not in kwargs: kwargs['diag_factor'] = 1e4 if 'k' not in kwargs and self.X_dim == 1: kwargs['k'] = 'gibbstanh' if kwargs.get('k', None) == 'gibbstanh': # Set the bound on x0 intelligently according to the abscissa: if 'x0_bounds' not in kwargs: kwargs['x0_bounds'] = (0.87, 0.915) if self.abscissa == 'Rmid' else (0.94, 1.1) super(BivariatePlasmaProfile, self).create_gp(**kwargs) if constrain_slope_on_axis: self.constrain_slope_on_axis(**axis_constraint_kwargs) if constrain_at_limiter: self.constrain_at_limiter(**limiter_constraint_kwargs)
[docs] def compute_a_over_L(self, X, force_update=False, plot=False, gp_kwargs={}, MAP_kwargs={}, plot_kwargs={}, return_prediction=False, special_vals=0, special_X_vals=0, compute_2=False, **predict_kwargs): """Compute the normalized inverse gradient scale length. Only works on data that have already been time-averaged at the moment. Parameters ---------- X : array-like The points to evaluate a/L at. force_update : bool, optional If True, a new Gaussian process will be created even if one already exists. Set this if you have added data or constraints since you created the Gaussian process. Default is False (use current Gaussian process if it exists). plot : bool, optional If True, a plot of a/L is produced. Default is False (no plot). gp_kwargs : dict, optional The entries of this dictionary are passed as kwargs to :py:meth:`create_gp` if it gets called. Default is {}. MAP_kwargs : dict, optional The entries of this dictionary are passed as kwargs to :py:meth:`find_gp_MAP_estimate` if it gets called. Default is {}. plot_kwargs : dict, optional The entries of this dictionary are passed as kwargs to `plot` when plotting the mean of a/L. Default is {}. return_prediction : bool, optional If True, the full prediction of the value and gradient are returned in a dictionary. Default is False (just return value and stddev of a/L). special_vals : int, optional The number of special return values incorporated into `output_transform` that should be dropped before computing a/L. This is used so that things like volume averages can be efficiently computed at the same time as a/L. Default is 0 (no extra values). special_X_vals : int, optional The number of special points included in the abscissa that should not be included in the evaluation of a/L. Default is 0 (no extra values). compute_2 : bool, optional If True, the second derivative and some derived quantities will be computed and added to the output structure (if `return_prediction` is True). You should almost always have r/a for your abscissa when using this: the expressions for other coordinate systems are not as well-vetted. Default is False (don't compute second derivative). **predict_kwargs : optional parameters All other parameters are passed to the Gaussian process' :py:meth:`predict` method. """ # TODO: Add ability to just compute value. # TODO: Make finer-grained control over what to return. if force_update or is None: self.create_gp(**gp_kwargs) if not predict_kwargs.get('use_MCMC', False): self.find_gp_MAP_estimate(**MAP_kwargs) if self.X_dim == 1: # Get GP fit: XX = scipy.concatenate((X, X[special_X_vals:])) if compute_2: XX = scipy.concatenate((XX, X[special_X_vals:])) n = scipy.concatenate(( scipy.zeros_like(X), scipy.ones_like(X[special_X_vals:]) )) if compute_2: n = scipy.concatenate((n, 2 * scipy.ones_like(X[special_X_vals:]))) out =, n=n, full_output=True, **predict_kwargs) mean = out['mean'] cov = out['cov'] if predict_kwargs.get('return_mean_func', False) and is not None: mean_func = out['mean_func'] std_func = out['std_func'] mean_without_func = out['mean_without_func'] std_without_func = out['std_without_func'] # Ditch the special values: special_mean = mean[:special_vals] special_cov = cov[:special_vals, :special_vals] X = X[special_X_vals:] cov = cov[special_vals:, special_vals:] mean = mean[special_vals:] if predict_kwargs.get('return_mean_func', False) and is not None: mean_func = mean_func[special_vals:] std_func = std_func[special_vals:] mean_without_func = mean_without_func[special_vals:] std_without_func = std_without_func[special_vals:] var = scipy.diagonal(cov) mean_val = mean[:len(X)] var_val = var[:len(X)] mean_grad = mean[len(X):2 * len(X)] var_grad = var[len(X):2 * len(X)] if predict_kwargs.get('return_mean_func', False) and is not None: mean_func_val = mean_func[:len(X)] std_func_val = std_func[:len(X)] mean_func_grad = mean_func[len(X):] std_func_grad = std_func[len(X):] mean_without_func_val = mean_without_func[:len(X)] std_without_func_val = std_without_func[:len(X)] mean_without_func_grad = mean_without_func[len(X):] std_without_func_grad = std_without_func[len(X):] if compute_2: mean_2 = mean[2 * len(X):] var_2 = var[2 * len(X):] i = range(0, len(X)) j = range(len(X), 2 * len(X)) cov_val_grad = scipy.asarray(cov[i, j]).flatten() if compute_2: k = range(2 * len(X), 3 * len(X)) cov_val_2 = scipy.asarray(cov[i, k]).flatten() cov_grad_2 = scipy.asarray(cov[j, k]).flatten() # Get geometry from EFIT: t_efit = self.efit_tree.getTimeBase() ok_idxs = self._get_efit_times_to_average(return_idxs=True) # Get correction factor for converting the abscissa back to Rmid: if self.abscissa == 'Rmid': a = self.efit_tree.getAOut()[ok_idxs] var_a = scipy.var(a, ddof=1) if scipy.isnan(var_a): var_a = 0 mean_a = scipy.mean(a) mean_dX_droa = mean_a var_dX_droa = var_a if compute_2: mean_dX_droa_2 = 0.0 var_dX_droa_2 = 0.0 cov_dX_droa_2 = 0.0 elif self.abscissa == 'r/a': mean_dX_droa = 1.0 var_dX_droa = 0.0 if compute_2: mean_dX_droa_2 = 0.0 var_dX_droa_2 = 0.0 cov_dX_droa_2 = 0.0 else: # Code taken from of eqtools, modified to use # InterpolatedUnivariateSpline to get access to derivatives: dX_droa = scipy.zeros((len(X), len(ok_idxs))) if compute_2: dX_droa_2 = scipy.zeros((len(X), len(ok_idxs))) # Loop over time indices: for idx, k in zip(ok_idxs, range(0, len(ok_idxs))): resample_factor = 3 roa_grid = scipy.linspace(0, 2, resample_factor * len(self.efit_tree.getRGrid())) X_on_grid = self.efit_tree.roa2rho(self.abscissa, roa_grid, t_efit[idx]) # Rmid is handled specially up here, so we can filter the # origin out properly: X_on_grid[roa_grid == 0.0] = 0.0 good_idxs = ~scipy.isnan(X_on_grid) X_on_grid = X_on_grid[good_idxs] roa_grid = roa_grid[good_idxs] spline = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( roa_grid, X_on_grid, k=3 ) roa_X = self.efit_tree.rho2rho(self.abscissa, 'r/a', X, t_efit[idx]) roa_X[X == 0.0] = 0.0 dX_droa[:, k] = spline(roa_X, nu=1) if compute_2: # dX_droa_2[:, k] = -spline(X, nu=2) * (dX_droa[:, k])**3.0 dX_droa_2[:, k] = spline(roa_X, nu=2) mean_dX_droa = scipy.mean(dX_droa, axis=1) var_dX_droa = scipy.var(dX_droa, ddof=predict_kwargs.get('ddof', 1), axis=1) var_dX_droa[scipy.isnan(var_dX_droa)] = 0.0 if compute_2: mean_dX_droa_2 = scipy.mean(dX_droa_2, axis=1) var_dX_droa_2 = scipy.var(dX_droa_2, ddof=predict_kwargs.get('ddof', 1), axis=1) var_dX_droa_2[scipy.isnan(var_dX_droa_2)] = 0.0 cov_dX_droa_2 = scipy.cov(dX_droa, dX_droa_2, ddof=predict_kwargs.get('ddof', 1))[i, j] if predict_kwargs.get('full_MC', False): # TODO: Doesn't include uncertainty in EFIT quantities! # Use samples: val_samps = out['samp'][special_vals:len(X) + special_vals] grad_samps = out['samp'][len(X) + special_vals:2 * len(X) + special_vals] if scipy.ndim(mean_dX_droa) > 0: mean_dX_droa = scipy.tile(mean_dX_droa, (val_samps.shape[1], 1)).T a_L_samps = -grad_samps * mean_dX_droa / val_samps mean_a_L = scipy.mean(a_L_samps, axis=1) std_a_L = scipy.std(a_L_samps, axis=1, ddof=predict_kwargs.get('ddof', 1)) if compute_2: g2_samps = out['samp'][2 * len(X) + special_vals:] if scipy.ndim(mean_dX_droa_2) > 0: mean_dX_droa_2 = scipy.tile(mean_dX_droa_2, (val_samps.shape[1], 1)).T a_L_grad_samps = g2_samps * mean_dX_droa / grad_samps + mean_dX_droa_2 / mean_dX_droa mean_a_L_grad = scipy.mean(a_L_grad_samps, axis=1) std_a_L_grad = scipy.std(a_L_grad_samps, axis=1, ddof=predict_kwargs.get('ddof', 1)) a2_2_samps = (g2_samps * mean_dX_droa**2.0 + grad_samps * mean_dX_droa_2) / val_samps mean_a2_2 = scipy.mean(a2_2_samps, axis=1) std_a2_2 = scipy.std(a2_2_samps, axis=1, ddof=predict_kwargs.get('ddof', 1)) else: # Compute using error propagation: mean_a_L = -mean_grad * mean_dX_droa / mean_val std_a_L = scipy.sqrt( var_val * (mean_grad * mean_dX_droa / mean_val**2.0)**2.0 + var_grad * (mean_dX_droa / mean_val)**2.0 + var_dX_droa * (mean_grad / mean_val)**2 - 2.0 * cov_val_grad * (mean_grad * mean_dX_droa**2.0 / mean_val**3.0) ) if compute_2: mean_a_L_grad = mean_2 * mean_dX_droa / mean_grad + mean_dX_droa_2 / mean_dX_droa std_a_L_grad = scipy.sqrt( var_grad * (mean_2 * mean_dX_droa / mean_grad**2.0)**2.0 + var_2 * (mean_dX_droa / mean_grad)**2.0 - 2.0 * cov_grad_2 * mean_2 * mean_dX_droa**2.0 / mean_grad**3.0 + var_dX_droa * (mean_2 / mean_grad - mean_dX_droa_2 / mean_dX_droa**2.0)**2.0 + var_dX_droa_2 / mean_dX_droa**2.0 + 2.0 * cov_dX_droa_2 * (mean_2 / mean_grad - mean_dX_droa_2 / mean_dX_droa**2.0) / mean_dX_droa ) mean_a2_2 = (mean_2 * mean_dX_droa**2.0 + mean_grad * mean_dX_droa_2) / mean_val std_a2_2 = scipy.sqrt( var_val * (mean_2 * mean_dX_droa**2.0 + mean_grad * mean_dX_droa_2)**2 / mean_val**4 + var_2 * (mean_dX_droa**2.0 / mean_val)**2.0 - 2.0 * cov_val_2 * mean_dX_droa**2.0 / mean_val**3.0 * ( mean_2 * mean_dX_droa**2.0 + mean_grad * mean_dX_droa_2 ) + 4.0 * var_dX_droa * (mean_2 * mean_dX_droa / mean_val)**2.0 + var_dX_droa_2 * (mean_grad / mean_val)**2.0 + 4.0 * cov_dX_droa_2 * mean_grad * mean_2 * mean_dX_droa / mean_val**2.0 ) # Plot result: if plot: ax = plot_kwargs.pop('ax', None) envelopes = plot_kwargs.pop('envelopes', [1, 3]) base_alpha = plot_kwargs.pop('base_alpha', 0.375) if ax is None: f = plt.figure() ax = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) elif ax == 'gca': ax = plt.gca() l = ax.plot(X, mean_a_L, **plot_kwargs) color = plt.getp(l[0], 'color') for i in envelopes: ax.fill_between(X, mean_a_L - i * std_a_L, mean_a_L + i * std_a_L, facecolor=color, alpha=base_alpha / i) elif self.X_dim == 2: raise NotImplementedError("Not there yet!") else: raise ValueError("Cannot compute gradient scale length on data with " "X_dim=%d!" % (self.X_dim,)) if return_prediction: retval = {'mean_val': mean_val, 'std_val': scipy.sqrt(var_val), 'mean_grad': mean_grad, 'std_grad': scipy.sqrt(var_grad), 'mean_a_L': mean_a_L, 'std_a_L': std_a_L, 'cov': cov, # 'out': out, 'special_mean': special_mean, 'special_cov': special_cov } if predict_kwargs.get('return_mean_func', False) and is not None: retval['mean_func_val'] = mean_func_val retval['mean_func_grad'] = mean_func_grad retval['std_func_val'] = std_func_val retval['std_func_grad'] = std_func_grad retval['mean_without_func_val'] = mean_without_func_val retval['mean_without_func_grad'] = mean_without_func_grad retval['std_without_func_val'] = std_without_func_val retval['std_without_func_grad'] = std_without_func_grad retval['cov_func'] = out['cov_func'] retval['cov_without_func'] = out['cov_without_func'] if compute_2: retval['mean_2'] = mean_2 retval['std_2'] = scipy.sqrt(var_2) retval['mean_a_L_grad'] = mean_a_L_grad retval['std_a_L_grad'] = std_a_L_grad retval['mean_a2_2'] = mean_a2_2 retval['std_a2_2'] = std_a2_2 if predict_kwargs.get('full_MC', False) or predict_kwargs.get('return_samples', False): retval['samp'] = out['samp'] return retval else: return (mean_a_L, std_a_L)
def _get_efit_times_to_average(self, return_idxs=False): """Get the EFIT times to average over for a profile that has already been time-averaged. If this instance has a :py:attr:`times` attribute, the nearest indices to those times are used. Failing that, if :py:attr:`t_min` and :py:attr:`t_max` are distinct, all points between them are used. Failing that, the nearest index to t_min is used. """ t_efit = self.efit_tree.getTimeBase() if hasattr(self, 'times'): ok_idxs = self.efit_tree._getNearestIdx(self.times, t_efit) elif self.t_min != self.t_max: ok_idxs = scipy.where((t_efit >= self.t_min) & (t_efit <= self.t_max))[0] # Handle case where there are none: if len(ok_idxs) == 0: ok_idxs = self.efit_tree._getNearestIdx([self.t_min], t_efit) else: ok_idxs = self.efit_tree._getNearestIdx([self.t_min], t_efit) if return_idxs: return ok_idxs else: return t_efit[ok_idxs] def _make_volume_averaging_matrix(self, rho_grid=None, npts=400): """Generate a matrix of weights to find the volume average using the trapezoid rule. At present, this only supports data that have already been time-averaged. Parameters ---------- rho_grid : array-like, optional The points (of the instance's abscissa) to use as the quadrature points. If these aren't provided, a grid of points uniformly spaced in volnorm will be produced. Default is None (produce uniform volnorm grid). npts : int, optional The number of points to use when producing a uniform volnorm grid. Default is 400. Returns ------- rho_grid : array, (`npts`,) The quadrature points to be used on the instance's abscissa. weights : array, (1, `npts`) The matrix of weights to multiply the values at each location in `rho_grid` by to get the volume average. """ if self.X_dim == 1: times = self._get_efit_times_to_average() if rho_grid is None: vol_grid = scipy.linspace(0, 1, npts) if 'volnorm' not in self.abscissa: rho_grid = self.efit_tree.rho2rho( 'volnorm', self.abscissa, vol_grid, times, each_t=True ) rho_grid = scipy.mean(rho_grid, axis=0) # Correct for the NaN that shows up sometimes: rho_grid[0] = 0.0 else: if self.abscissa.startswith('sqrt'): rho_grid = scipy.sqrt(vol_grid) else: rho_grid = vol_grid N = npts - 1 a = 0 b = 1 # Use the trapezoid rule: weights = 2 * scipy.ones_like(vol_grid) weights[0] = 1 weights[-1] = 1 weights *= (b - a) / (2.0 * N) else: if 'volnorm' not in self.abscissa: vol_grid = self.efit_tree.rho2rho( self.abscissa, 'volnorm', rho_grid, times, each_t=True ) # Use nanmean in case there is a value which is teetering # -- we want to keep it in. vol_grid = scipy.stats.nanmean(vol_grid, axis=0) else: if self.abscissa.startswith('sqrt'): vol_grid = scipy.asarray(rho_grid, dtype=float)**2 else: vol_grid = scipy.asarray(rho_grid, dtype=float) ok_mask = (~scipy.isnan(vol_grid)) & (vol_grid <= 1.0) delta_vol = scipy.diff(vol_grid[ok_mask]) weights = scipy.zeros_like(vol_grid) weights[ok_mask] = ( 0.5 * ( scipy.insert(delta_vol, 0, 0) + scipy.insert(delta_vol, -1, 0) ) ) weights = scipy.atleast_2d(weights) return (rho_grid, weights) else: raise NotImplementedError("Volume averaging not yet supported for X_dim > 1!")
[docs] def compute_volume_average(self, return_std=True, grid=None, npts=400, force_update=False, gp_kwargs={}, MAP_kwargs={}, **predict_kwargs): """Compute the volume average of the profile. Right now only supports data that have already been time-averaged. Parameters ---------- return_std : bool, optional If True, the standard deviation of the volume average is computed and returned. Default is True (return mean and stddev of volume average). grid : array-like, optional The quadrature points to use when finding the volume average. If these are not provided, a uniform grid over volnorm will be used. Default is None (use uniform volnorm grid). npts : int, optional The number of uniformly-spaced volnorm points to use if `grid` is not specified. Default is 400. force_update : bool, optional If True, a new Gaussian process will be created even if one already exists. Set this if you have added data or constraints since you created the Gaussian process. Default is False (use current Gaussian process if it exists). gp_kwargs : dict, optional The entries of this dictionary are passed as kwargs to :py:meth:`create_gp` if it gets called. Default is {}. MAP_kwargs : dict, optional The entries of this dictionary are passed as kwargs to :py:meth:`find_gp_MAP_estimate` if it gets called. Default is {}. **predict_kwargs : optional parameters All other parameters are passed to the Gaussian process' :py:meth:`predict` method. Returns ------- mean : float The mean of the volume average. std : float The standard deviation of the volume average. Only returned if `return_std` is True. Note that this is only sufficient as an error estimate if you separately verify that the integration error is less than this! """ if self.X_dim == 1: if force_update or is None: self.create_gp(**gp_kwargs) if not predict_kwargs.get('use_MCMC', False): self.find_gp_MAP_estimate(**MAP_kwargs) rho_grid, weights = self._make_volume_averaging_matrix(rho_grid=grid, npts=npts) res = rho_grid, output_transform=weights, return_std=return_std, return_cov=False, full_output=False, **predict_kwargs ) if return_std: return (res[0][0], res[1][0]) else: return res[0] else: raise NotImplementedError("Volume averaging not yet supported for " "X_dim > 1!")
[docs] def compute_peaking(self, return_std=True, grid=None, npts=400, force_update=False, gp_kwargs={}, MAP_kwargs={}, **predict_kwargs): r"""Compute the peaking of the profile. Right now only supports data that have already been time-averaged. Uses the definition from Greenwald, et al. (2007): :math:`w(\psi_n=0.2)/\langle w \rangle`. Parameters ---------- return_std : bool, optional If True, the standard deviation of the volume average is computed and returned. Default is True (return mean and stddev of peaking). grid : array-like, optional The quadrature points to use when finding the volume average. If these are not provided, a uniform grid over volnorm will be used. Default is None (use uniform volnorm grid). npts : int, optional The number of uniformly-spaced volnorm points to use if `grid` is not specified. Default is 400. force_update : bool, optional If True, a new Gaussian process will be created even if one already exists. Set this if you have added data or constraints since you created the Gaussian process. Default is False (use current Gaussian process if it exists). gp_kwargs : dict, optional The entries of this dictionary are passed as kwargs to :py:meth:`create_gp` if it gets called. Default is {}. MAP_kwargs : dict, optional The entries of this dictionary are passed as kwargs to :py:meth:`find_gp_MAP_estimate` if it gets called. Default is {}. **predict_kwargs : optional parameters All other parameters are passed to the Gaussian process' :py:meth:`predict` method. """ if self.X_dim == 1: if force_update or is None: self.create_gp(**gp_kwargs) if not predict_kwargs.get('use_MCMC', False): self.find_gp_MAP_estimate(**MAP_kwargs) rho_grid, weights = self._make_volume_averaging_matrix(rho_grid=grid, npts=npts) weights = scipy.append(weights, 0) # Find the relevant core location: if 'psinorm' in self.abscissa: if self.abscissa.startswith('sqrt'): core_loc = scipy.sqrt(0.2) else: core_loc = 0.2 else: times = self._get_efit_times_to_average() core_loc = self.efit_tree.psinorm2rho(self.abscissa, 0.2, times, each_t=True) core_loc = scipy.mean(core_loc) rho_grid = scipy.append(rho_grid, core_loc) core_select = scipy.zeros_like(weights) core_select[-1] = 1 weights = scipy.vstack((weights, core_select)) res = rho_grid, output_transform=weights, return_std=return_std, return_cov=return_std, full_output=False, **predict_kwargs ) if return_std: mean_res = res[0] cov_res = res[1] mean = mean_res[1] / mean_res[0] std = scipy.sqrt( cov_res[1, 1] / mean_res[0]**2 + cov_res[0, 0] * mean_res[1]**2 / mean_res[0]**4 - 2.0 * cov_res[0, 1] * mean_res[1] / mean_res[0]**3 ) return (mean, std) else: return res[1] / res[0] else: raise NotImplementedError("Computation of peaking factors not yet " "supported for X_dim > 1!")
[docs]def neCTS(shot, abscissa='RZ', t_min=None, t_max=None, electrons=None, efit_tree=None, remove_edge=False, remove_zeros=True, Z_shift=0.0): """Returns a profile representing electron density from the core Thomson scattering system. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. abscissa : str, optional The abscissa to use for the data. The default is 'RZ'. t_min : float, optional The smallest time to include. Default is None (no lower bound). t_max : float, optional The largest time to include. Default is None (no upper bound). electrons : MDSplus.Tree, optional An MDSplus.Tree object open to the electrons tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). efit_tree : eqtools.CModEFITTree, optional An eqtools.CModEFITTree object open to the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). remove_edge : bool, optional If True, will remove points that are outside the LCFS. It will convert the abscissa to psinorm if necessary. Default is False (keep edge). remove_zeros: bool, optional If True, will remove points that are identically zero. Default is True (remove zero points). This was added because clearly bad points aren't always flagged with a sentinel value of errorbar. Z_shift: float, optional The shift to apply to the vertical coordinate, sometimes needed to correct EFIT mapping. Default is 0.0. """ p = BivariatePlasmaProfile(X_dim=3, X_units=['s', 'm', 'm'], y_units='$10^{20}$ m$^{-3}$', X_labels=['$t$', '$R$', '$Z$'], y_label=r'$n_e$, CTS') if electrons is None: electrons = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) N_ne_TS = electrons.getNode(r'\electrons::top.yag_new.results.profiles:ne_rz') t_ne_TS = N_ne_TS.dim_of().data() ne_TS = / 1e20 dev_ne_TS = electrons.getNode(r'yag_new.results.profiles:ne_err').data() / 1e20 Z_CTS = electrons.getNode(r'yag_new.results.profiles:z_sorted').data() + Z_shift R_CTS = (electrons.getNode(r'yag.results.param:r').data() * scipy.ones_like(Z_CTS)) channels = range(0, len(Z_CTS)) t_grid, Z_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_ne_TS, Z_CTS) t_grid, R_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_ne_TS, R_CTS) t_grid, channel_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_ne_TS, channels) ne = ne_TS.flatten() err_ne = dev_ne_TS.flatten() Z = scipy.atleast_2d(Z_grid.flatten()) R = scipy.atleast_2d(R_grid.flatten()) channels = channel_grid.flatten() t = scipy.atleast_2d(t_grid.flatten()) X = scipy.hstack((t.T, R.T, Z.T)) p.shot = shot if efit_tree is None: p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) else: p.efit_tree = efit_tree p.abscissa = 'RZ' p.add_data(X, ne, err_y=err_ne, channels={1: channels, 2: channels}) # Remove flagged points: p.remove_points( scipy.isnan(p.err_y) | scipy.isinf(p.err_y) | (p.err_y == 0.0) | (p.err_y == 1.0) | (p.err_y == 2.0) | ((p.y == 0.0) & remove_zeros) | scipy.isnan(p.y) | scipy.isinf(p.y) ) if t_min is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() < t_min) if t_max is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() > t_max) p.convert_abscissa(abscissa) if remove_edge: p.remove_edge_points() return p
[docs]def neETS(shot, abscissa='RZ', t_min=None, t_max=None, electrons=None, efit_tree=None, remove_edge=False, remove_zeros=True, Z_shift=0.0): """Returns a profile representing electron density from the edge Thomson scattering system. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. abscissa : str, optional The abscissa to use for the data. The default is 'RZ'. t_min : float, optional The smallest time to include. Default is None (no lower bound). t_max : float, optional The largest time to include. Default is None (no upper bound). electrons : MDSplus.Tree, optional An MDSplus.Tree object open to the electrons tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). efit_tree : eqtools.CModEFITTree, optional An eqtools.CModEFITTree object open to the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). remove_edge : bool, optional If True, will remove points that are outside the LCFS. It will convert the abscissa to psinorm if necessary. Default is False (keep edge). remove_zeros: bool, optional If True, will remove points that are identically zero. Default is True (remove zero points). This was added because clearly bad points aren't always flagged with a sentinel value of errorbar. Z_shift: float, optional The shift to apply to the vertical coordinate, sometimes needed to correct EFIT mapping. Default is 0.0. """ p = BivariatePlasmaProfile(X_dim=3, X_units=['s', 'm', 'm'], y_units='$10^{20}$ m$^{-3}$', X_labels=['$t$', '$R$', '$Z$'], y_label=r'$n_e$, ETS') if electrons is None: electrons = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) N_ne_ETS = electrons.getNode(r'yag_edgets.results:ne') t_ne_ETS = N_ne_ETS.dim_of().data() ne_ETS = / 1e20 dev_ne_ETS = electrons.getNode(r'yag_edgets.results:ne:error').data() / 1e20 Z_ETS = electrons.getNode(r'').data() + Z_shift R_ETS = (electrons.getNode(r'yag.results.param:R').data() * scipy.ones_like(Z_ETS)) channels = range(0, len(Z_ETS)) t_grid, Z_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_ne_ETS, Z_ETS) t_grid, R_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_ne_ETS, R_ETS) t_grid, channel_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_ne_ETS, channels) ne = ne_ETS.flatten() err_ne = dev_ne_ETS.flatten() Z = scipy.atleast_2d(Z_grid.flatten()) R = scipy.atleast_2d(R_grid.flatten()) channels = channel_grid.flatten() t = scipy.atleast_2d(t_grid.flatten()) X = scipy.hstack((t.T, R.T, Z.T)) p.shot = shot if efit_tree is None: p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) else: p.efit_tree = efit_tree p.abscissa = 'RZ' p.add_data(X, ne, err_y=err_ne, channels={1: channels, 2: channels}) # Remove flagged points: try: pm = electrons.getNode(r'').data().flatten() except: pm = scipy.ones_like(p.y) p.remove_points( (pm == 0) | scipy.isnan(p.err_y) | scipy.isinf(p.err_y) | (p.err_y == 0.0) | (p.err_y == 1.0) | (p.err_y == 2.0) | ((p.y == 0.0) & remove_zeros) | scipy.isnan(p.y) | scipy.isinf(p.y) ) if t_min is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() < t_min) if t_max is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() > t_max) p.convert_abscissa(abscissa) if remove_edge: p.remove_edge_points() return p
[docs]def neTCI(shot, abscissa='r/a', t_min=None, t_max=None, electrons=None, efit_tree=None, quad_points=20, Z_point=-3.0, theta=scipy.pi / 4, thin=1, flag_threshold=1e-3, ds=1e-3): """Returns a profile representing electron density from the two color interferometer system. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. abscissa : str, optional The abscissa to use for the data. The default is 'r/a'. t_min : float, optional The smallest time to include. Default is None (no lower bound). t_max : float, optional The largest time to include. Default is None (no upper bound). electrons : :py:class:`MDSplus.Tree`, optional An :py:class:`MDSplus.Tree` instance open to the electrons tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). efit_tree : :py:class`eqtools.CModEFITTree`, optional An :py:class:`eqtools.CModEFITTree` instance open to the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). quad_points : int or array of float, optional The quadrature points to use. If an int, then `quad_points` linearly- spaced points between 0 and 1.2 will be used. Otherwise, `quad_points` must be a strictly monotonically increasing array of the quadrature points to use. Z_point : float Z coordinate of the starting point of the rays (should be well outside the tokamak). Units are meters. theta : float Angle of the chords. Units are radians. thin : int Amount by which the data are thinned before computing weights and averages. Default is 1 (no thinning). flag_threshold : float, optional The threshold below which points are considered bad. Default is 1e-3. ds : float, optional The step size TRIPPy uses to form the beam. Default is 1e-3 """ if abscissa in ('RZ', 'phinorm', 'volnorm', 'sqrtphinorm', 'sqrtvolnorm'): raise ValueError("Abscissa '%s' not supported for neTCI!" % (abscissa,)) # This is redundant with the definition in the function fingerprint, and # must be changed at the same time. if quad_points is None: quad_points = 20 if flag_threshold is None: flag_threshold = 1e-3 if thin is None: flag_threshold = 1 if ds is None: ds = 1e-3 try: iter(quad_points) except TypeError: if abscissa == 'Rmid': warnings.warn( "Automatically-generated quadrature points for abscissa 'Rmid' " "will not work right!" ) # TODO: We need a way of setting these bounds for Rmid! quad_points = scipy.linspace(0, 1.2, quad_points) else: quad_points = scipy.asarray(quad_points, dtype=float) p = BivariatePlasmaProfile( X_dim=2, X_units=['s', _X_unit_mapping[abscissa]], y_units='$10^{20}$ m$^{-3}$', X_labels=['$t$', _X_label_mapping[abscissa]], y_label=r'$n_e$, TCI', weightable=False ) if efit_tree is None: p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) else: p.efit_tree = efit_tree p.abscissa = abscissa p.shot = shot if electrons is None: electrons = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) R = electrons.getNode(r'tci.results:rad').data() # Set these to None here to solve the fencepost problem: T = None mask = None for i, r in enumerate(R): N_NL = electrons.getNode(r'tci.results:nl_%02d' % (i + 1,)) ne = t_ne = N_NL.dim_of().data() # Put in the len(t_ne) > 0 catch in case the first chord(s) happen to be # bad/empty: if mask is None and len(t_ne) > 0: if t_min is None: t_min = t_ne.min() if t_max is None: t_max = t_ne.max() mask = (t_ne >= t_min) & (t_ne <= t_max) ne = ne[mask] ne = ne[::thin] t_ne = t_ne[mask] t_ne = t_ne[::thin] if T is None and len(t_ne) > 0: T = transformations.get_transforms( abscissa, R, p.efit_tree, t_ne, quad_points, Z_point, theta, ds=ds ) good = ne >= flag_threshold t_ne = t_ne[good] if len(t_ne) > 0: ne = ne[good] # not all channels are active, catch that when putting in the channel transforms and coords X = scipy.ones((len(t_ne), len(quad_points), 2)) X = scipy.einsum('i,ijk->ijk', t_ne, X) X[:, :, 1] = quad_points p.transformed = scipy.append( p.transformed, Channel( X, ne / 1e20, err_y=0.1 * ne / 1e20, T=T[good, i, :], y_label='$nL_{%02d}$' % (i + 1,), y_units='$10^{20}$ m$^{-2}$' ) ) return p
[docs]def neTCI_old(shot, abscissa='RZ', t_min=None, t_max=None, electrons=None, efit_tree=None, npts=100, flag_threshold=1e-3): """Returns a profile representing electron density from the two color interferometer system. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. abscissa : str, optional The abscissa to use for the data. The default is 'RZ'. t_min : float, optional The smallest time to include. Default is None (no lower bound). t_max : float, optional The largest time to include. Default is None (no upper bound). electrons : MDSplus.Tree, optional An MDSplus.Tree object open to the electrons tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). efit_tree : eqtools.CModEFITTree, optional An eqtools.CModEFITTree object open to the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). npts : int, optional The number of points to use for the line integral. Default is 20. flag_threshold : float, optional The threshold below which points are considered bad. Default is 1e-3. """ # Note that the defaults here are redundant with the function definition: # they must be changed at the same time. if npts is None: npts = 100 if flag_threshold is None: flag_threshold = 1e-3 p = BivariatePlasmaProfile( X_dim=3, X_units=['s', 'm', 'm'], y_units='$10^{20}$ m$^{-3}$', X_labels=['$t$','$R$', '$Z$'], y_label=r'$n_e$, TCI', weightable=False ) if efit_tree is None: p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) else: p.efit_tree = efit_tree p.abscissa = 'RZ' if electrons is None: electrons = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) R = electrons.getNode(r'tci.results:rad').data() ZG = p.efit_tree.getZGrid() Z = scipy.linspace(ZG.min(), ZG.max(), npts) weights = 2 * scipy.ones_like(Z) weights[0] = 1 weights[-1] = 1 weights *= (Z.max() - Z.min()) / (2 * (len(Z) - 1)) mask = None for i, r in zip(range(0, len(R)), R): N_NL = electrons.getNode(r'tci.results:nl_%02d' % (i + 1,)) ne = t_ne = N_NL.dim_of().data() if mask is None: if t_min is None: t_min = t_ne.min() if t_max is None: t_max = t_ne.max() mask = (t_ne >= t_min) & (t_ne <= t_max) t_ne = t_ne[mask & (ne >= flag_threshold)] if len(t_ne) > 0: ne = ne[mask & (ne >= flag_threshold)] X = scipy.ones((len(t_ne), len(Z), 3)) X = scipy.einsum('i,ijk->ijk', t_ne, X) X[:, :, 1] = r X[:, :, 2] = Z T = scipy.tile(weights, (len(t_ne), 1)) p.transformed = scipy.append( p.transformed, Channel( X, ne / 1e20, err_y=0.1 * ne / 1e20, T=T, y_label='$nL_{%02d}$' % (i + 1,), y_units='$10^{20}$ m$^{-2}$' ) ) p.shot = shot p.convert_abscissa(abscissa) return p
[docs]def neReflect(shot, abscissa='Rmid', t_min=None, t_max=None, electrons=None, efit_tree=None, remove_edge=False, rf=None): """Returns a profile representing electron density from the LH/SOL reflectometer system. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. abscissa : str, optional The abscissa to use for the data. The default is 'Rmid'. t_min : float, optional The smallest time to include. Default is None (no lower bound). t_max : float, optional The largest time to include. Default is None (no upper bound). electrons : MDSplus.Tree, optional An MDSplus.Tree object open to the electrons tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). efit_tree : eqtools.CModEFITTree, optional An eqtools.CModEFITTree object open to the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). remove_edge : bool, optional If True, will remove points that are outside the LCFS. It will convert the abscissa to psinorm if necessary. Default is False (keep edge). rf : MDSplus.Tree, optional An MDSplus.Tree object open to the RF tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). """ p = BivariatePlasmaProfile( X_dim=2, X_units=['s', 'm'], y_units='$10^{20}$ m$^{-3}$', X_labels=['$t$', r'$R_{mid}$'], y_label=r'$n_e$, reflect', weightable=False ) if rf is None: rf = MDSplus.Tree('rf', shot) if efit_tree is None: p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) else: p.efit_tree = efit_tree t = rf.getNode(r'\rf::top.reflect:result:tavg').getData().data() R = rf.getNode(r'\rf::top.reflect:result:radius').getData().data() ne = rf.getNode(r'\rf::top.reflect:result:density').getData().data() / 1e20 try: print("SOL reflectometer reliability=%d" % (rf.getNode(r'\rf::top.reflect:result:reliability').data(),)) except: print("Unable to fetch reflectometer reliability!") channels = range(0, ne.shape[1]) channel_grid, t_grid = scipy.meshgrid(channels, t) ne = ne.ravel() R = R.ravel() channels = channel_grid.ravel() t = t_grid.ravel() X = scipy.vstack((t, R)).T p.shot = shot p.abscissa = 'Rmid' p.add_data(X, ne, channels={1: channels}, err_y=0.1 * scipy.absolute(ne)) # Remove flagged points: p.remove_points(p.y == 0) if t_min is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() < t_min) if t_max is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() > t_max) p.convert_abscissa(abscissa) if remove_edge: p.remove_edge_points() return p
[docs]def ne(shot, include=['CTS', 'ETS'], TCI_quad_points=None, TCI_flag_threshold=None, TCI_thin=None, TCI_ds=None, **kwargs): """Returns a profile representing electron density from both the core and edge Thomson scattering systems. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. include : list of str, optional The data sources to include. Valid options are: ======= ======================== CTS Core Thomson scattering ETS Edge Thomson scattering TCI Two color interferometer reflect SOL reflectometer ======= ======================== The default is to include all TS data sources, but not TCI or the reflectometer. **kwargs All remaining parameters are passed to the individual loading methods. """ if 'electrons' not in kwargs: kwargs['electrons'] = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) if 'efit_tree' not in kwargs: kwargs['efit_tree'] = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) p_list = [] for system in include: if system == 'CTS': p_list.append(neCTS(shot, **kwargs)) elif system == 'ETS': p_list.append(neETS(shot, **kwargs)) elif system == 'TCI': p_list.append( neTCI( shot, quad_points=TCI_quad_points, flag_threshold=TCI_flag_threshold, thin=TCI_thin, ds=TCI_ds, **kwargs ) ) elif system == 'reflect': p_list.append(neReflect(shot, **kwargs)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown profile '%s'." % (system,)) p = p_list.pop() for p_other in p_list: p.add_profile(p_other) return p
[docs]def neTS(shot, **kwargs): """Returns a profile representing electron density from both the core and edge Thomson scattering systems. """ return ne(shot, include=['CTS', 'ETS'], **kwargs)
[docs]def TeCTS(shot, abscissa='RZ', t_min=None, t_max=None, electrons=None, efit_tree=None, remove_edge=False, remove_zeros=True, Z_shift=0.0): """Returns a profile representing electron temperature from the core Thomson scattering system. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. abscissa : str, optional The abscissa to use for the data. The default is 'RZ'. t_min : float, optional The smallest time to include. Default is None (no lower bound). t_max : float, optional The largest time to include. Default is None (no upper bound). electrons : MDSplus.Tree, optional An MDSplus.Tree object open to the electrons tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). efit_tree : eqtools.CModEFITTree, optional An eqtools.CModEFITTree object open to the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). remove_edge : bool, optional If True, will remove points that are outside the LCFS. It will convert the abscissa to psinorm if necessary. Default is False (keep edge). remove_zeros: bool, optional If True, will remove points that are identically zero. Default is True (remove zero points). This was added because clearly bad points aren't always flagged with a sentinel value of errorbar. Z_shift: float, optional The shift to apply to the vertical coordinate, sometimes needed to correct EFIT mapping. Default is 0.0. """ p = BivariatePlasmaProfile(X_dim=3, X_units=['s', 'm', 'm'], y_units='keV', X_labels=['$t$', '$R$', '$Z$'], y_label=r'$T_e$, CTS') if electrons is None: electrons = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) N_Te_TS = electrons.getNode(r'\electrons::top.yag_new.results.profiles:Te_rz') t_Te_TS = N_Te_TS.dim_of().data() Te_TS = dev_Te_TS = electrons.getNode(r'yag_new.results.profiles:Te_err').data() Z_CTS = electrons.getNode(r'yag_new.results.profiles:z_sorted').data() + Z_shift R_CTS = (electrons.getNode(r'yag.results.param:r').data() * scipy.ones_like(Z_CTS)) channels = range(0, len(Z_CTS)) t_grid, Z_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_Te_TS, Z_CTS) t_grid, R_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_Te_TS, R_CTS) t_grid, channel_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_Te_TS, channels) Te = Te_TS.flatten() err_Te = dev_Te_TS.flatten() Z = scipy.atleast_2d(Z_grid.flatten()) R = scipy.atleast_2d(R_grid.flatten()) channels = channel_grid.flatten() t = scipy.atleast_2d(t_grid.flatten()) X = scipy.hstack((t.T, R.T, Z.T)) p.shot = shot if efit_tree is None: p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) else: p.efit_tree = efit_tree p.abscissa = 'RZ' p.add_data(X, Te, err_y=err_Te, channels={1: channels, 2: channels}) # Remove flagged points: p.remove_points( scipy.isnan(p.err_y) | scipy.isinf(p.err_y) | (p.err_y == 0.0) | (p.err_y == 1.0) | ((p.y == 0.0) & remove_zeros) | scipy.isnan(p.y) | scipy.isinf(p.y) ) if t_min is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() < t_min) if t_max is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() > t_max) p.convert_abscissa(abscissa) if remove_edge: p.remove_edge_points() return p
[docs]def TeETS(shot, abscissa='RZ', t_min=None, t_max=None, electrons=None, efit_tree=None, remove_edge=False, remove_zeros=False, Z_shift=0.0): """Returns a profile representing electron temperature from the edge Thomson scattering system. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. abscissa : str, optional The abscissa to use for the data. The default is 'RZ'. t_min : float, optional The smallest time to include. Default is None (no lower bound). t_max : float, optional The largest time to include. Default is None (no upper bound). electrons : MDSplus.Tree, optional An MDSplus.Tree object open to the electrons tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). efit_tree : eqtools.CModEFITTree, optional An eqtools.CModEFITTree object open to the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). remove_edge : bool, optional If True, will remove points that are outside the LCFS. It will convert the abscissa to psinorm if necessary. Default is False (keep edge). remove_zeros: bool, optional If True, will remove points that are identically zero. Default is False (keep zero points). This was added because clearly bad points aren't always flagged with a sentinel value of errorbar. Z_shift: float, optional The shift to apply to the vertical coordinate, sometimes needed to correct EFIT mapping. Default is 0.0. """ p = BivariatePlasmaProfile(X_dim=3, X_units=['s', 'm', 'm'], y_units='keV', X_labels=['$t$', '$R$', '$Z$'], y_label=r'$T_e$, ETS') if electrons is None: electrons = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) N_Te_TS = electrons.getNode(r'yag_edgets.results:te') t_Te_TS = N_Te_TS.dim_of().data() Te_TS = / 1e3 dev_Te_TS = electrons.getNode(r'yag_edgets.results:te:error').data() / 1e3 Z_CTS = electrons.getNode(r'').data() + Z_shift R_CTS = (electrons.getNode(r'yag.results.param:r').data() * scipy.ones_like(Z_CTS)) channels = range(0, len(Z_CTS)) t_grid, Z_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_Te_TS, Z_CTS) t_grid, R_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_Te_TS, R_CTS) t_grid, channel_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_Te_TS, channels) Te = Te_TS.flatten() err_Te = dev_Te_TS.flatten() Z = scipy.atleast_2d(Z_grid.flatten()) R = scipy.atleast_2d(R_grid.flatten()) channels = channel_grid.flatten() t = scipy.atleast_2d(t_grid.flatten()) X = scipy.hstack((t.T, R.T, Z.T)) p.shot = shot if efit_tree is None: p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) else: p.efit_tree = efit_tree p.abscissa = 'RZ' p.add_data(X, Te, err_y=err_Te, channels={1: channels, 2: channels}) # Remove flagged points: try: pm = electrons.getNode(r'').data().flatten() except: pm = scipy.ones_like(p.y) p.remove_points( (pm == 0) | scipy.isnan(p.err_y) | scipy.isinf(p.err_y) | (p.err_y == 0.0) | (p.err_y == 1.0) | (p.err_y == 0.5) | ((p.y == 0.0) & remove_zeros) | ((p.y == 0.0) & (p.err_y == 0.029999999329447746)) | # This seems to be an old way of flagging. Could be risky... scipy.isnan(p.y) | scipy.isinf(p.y) ) if t_min is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() < t_min) if t_max is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() > t_max) p.convert_abscissa(abscissa) if remove_edge: p.remove_edge_points() return p
[docs]def TeFRCECE(shot, rate='s', cutoff=0.15, abscissa='Rmid', t_min=None, t_max=None, electrons=None, efit_tree=None, remove_edge=False): """Returns a profile representing electron temperature from the FRCECE system. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. rate : {'s', 'f'}, optional Which timebase to use -- the fast or slow data. Default is 's' (slow). cutoff : float, optional The cutoff value for eliminating cut-off points. All points with values less than this will be discarded. Default is 0.15. abscissa : str, optional The abscissa to use for the data. The default is 'Rmid'. t_min : float, optional The smallest time to include. Default is None (no lower bound). t_max : float, optional The largest time to include. Default is None (no upper bound). electrons : MDSplus.Tree, optional An MDSplus.Tree object open to the electrons tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). efit_tree : eqtools.CModEFITTree, optional An eqtools.CModEFITTree object open to the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). remove_edge : bool, optional If True, will remove points that are outside the LCFS. It will convert the abscissa to psinorm if necessary. Default is False (keep edge). """ p = BivariatePlasmaProfile( X_dim=2, X_units=['s', 'm'], y_units='keV', X_labels=['$t$', r'$R_{mid}$'], y_label=r'$T_e$, FRCECE (%s)' % (rate,), weightable=False ) if electrons is None: electrons = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) if efit_tree is None: p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) else: p.efit_tree = efit_tree Te_FRC = [] R_mid_FRC = [] t_FRC = [] channels = [] for k in xrange(0, 32): N = electrons.getNode(r'' % (rate, k + 1,)) Te = Te_FRC.extend(Te) # There appears to consistently be an extra point. Lacking a better # explanation, I will knock off the last point: t = N.dim_of().data()[:len(Te)] t_FRC.extend(t) N_R = electrons.getNode(r'' % (k + 1,)) R_mid = t_R_FRC = N_R.dim_of().data() R_mid_FRC.extend( scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t_R_FRC, R_mid)(t) ) channels.extend([k + 1] * len(Te)) Te = scipy.asarray(Te_FRC) t = scipy.atleast_2d(scipy.asarray(t_FRC)) R_mid = scipy.atleast_2d(scipy.asarray(R_mid_FRC)) X = scipy.hstack((t.T, R_mid.T)) p.shot = shot p.abscissa = 'Rmid' p.add_data(X, Te, channels={1: scipy.asarray(channels)}, err_y=0.1 * scipy.absolute(Te)) # Remove flagged points: # I think these are cut off channels, but I am not sure... p.remove_points(p.y < cutoff) if t_min is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() < t_min) if t_max is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() > t_max) p.convert_abscissa(abscissa) if remove_edge: p.remove_edge_points() return p
[docs]def TeGPC2(shot, abscissa='Rmid', t_min=None, t_max=None, electrons=None, efit_tree=None, remove_edge=False): """Returns a profile representing electron temperature from the GPC2 system. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. abscissa : str, optional The abscissa to use for the data. The default is 'Rmid'. t_min : float, optional The smallest time to include. Default is None (no lower bound). t_max : float, optional The largest time to include. Default is None (no upper bound). electrons : MDSplus.Tree, optional An MDSplus.Tree object open to the electrons tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). efit_tree : eqtools.CModEFITTree, optional An eqtools.CModEFITTree object open to the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). remove_edge : bool, optional If True, will remove points that are outside the LCFS. It will convert the abscissa to psinorm if necessary. Default is False (keep edge). """ p = BivariatePlasmaProfile( X_dim=2, X_units=['s', 'm'], y_units='keV', X_labels=['$t$', r'$R_{mid}$'], y_label=r'$T_e$, GPC2', weightable=False ) if electrons is None: electrons = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) if efit_tree is None: p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) else: p.efit_tree = efit_tree N_GPC2 = electrons.getNode('gpc_2.results.gpc2_te') Te_GPC2 = t_GPC2 = N_GPC2.dim_of().data() N_R = electrons.getNode('gpc_2.results.radii') R_mid_GPC2 = t_R_GPC2 = N_R.dim_of().data() channels = range(0, Te_GPC2.shape[0]) t_grid, channel_grid = scipy.meshgrid(t_GPC2, channels) R_GPC2 = scipy.zeros_like(t_grid) for k in channels: R_GPC2[k, :] = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( t_R_GPC2, R_mid_GPC2[k, :] )(t_GPC2) Te = Te_GPC2.flatten() R = scipy.atleast_2d(R_GPC2.flatten()) channels = channel_grid.flatten() t = scipy.atleast_2d(t_grid.flatten()) X = scipy.hstack((t.T, R.T)) p.shot = shot p.abscissa = 'Rmid' p.add_data(X, Te, channels={1: channels}, err_y=0.1 * scipy.absolute(Te)) # Remove flagged points: p.remove_points(p.y <= 0) if t_min is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() < t_min) if t_max is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() > t_max) p.convert_abscissa(abscissa) if remove_edge: p.remove_edge_points() return p
[docs]def TeGPC(shot, cutoff=0.15, abscissa='Rmid', t_min=None, t_max=None, electrons=None, efit_tree=None, remove_edge=False): """Returns a profile representing electron temperature from the GPC system. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. cutoff : float, optional The cutoff value for eliminating cut-off points. All points with values less than this will be discarded. Default is 0.15. abscissa : str, optional The abscissa to use for the data. The default is 'Rmid'. t_min : float, optional The smallest time to include. Default is None (no lower bound). t_max : float, optional The largest time to include. Default is None (no upper bound). electrons : MDSplus.Tree, optional An MDSplus.Tree object open to the electrons tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). efit_tree : eqtools.CModEFITTree, optional An eqtools.CModEFITTree object open to the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). remove_edge : bool, optional If True, will remove points that are outside the LCFS. It will convert the abscissa to psinorm if necessary. Default is False (keep edge). """ p = BivariatePlasmaProfile( X_dim=2, X_units=['s', 'm'], y_units='keV', X_labels=['$t$', r'$R_{mid}$'], y_label=r'$T_e$, GPC', weightable=False ) if electrons is None: electrons = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) if efit_tree is None: p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) else: p.efit_tree = efit_tree Te_GPC = [] R_mid_GPC = [] t_GPC = [] channels = [] for k in xrange(0, 9): N = electrons.getNode(r'ece.gpc_results.te.te%d' % (k + 1,)) Te = Te_GPC.extend(Te) t = N.dim_of().data() t_GPC.extend(t) N_R = electrons.getNode(r'ece.gpc_results.rad.r%d' % (k + 1,)) R_mid = t_R_mid = N_R.dim_of().data() R_mid_GPC.extend( scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t_R_mid, R_mid)(t) ) channels.extend([k + 1] * len(Te)) Te = scipy.asarray(Te_GPC) t = scipy.atleast_2d(scipy.asarray(t_GPC)) R_mid = scipy.atleast_2d(scipy.asarray(R_mid_GPC)) X = scipy.hstack((t.T, R_mid.T)) p.shot = shot p.abscissa = 'Rmid' p.add_data(X, Te, channels={1: scipy.asarray(channels)}, err_y=0.1 * scipy.absolute(Te)) # Remove flagged points: # I think these are cut off channels, but I am not sure... p.remove_points(p.y < cutoff) if t_min is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() < t_min) if t_max is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() > t_max) p.convert_abscissa(abscissa) if remove_edge: p.remove_edge_points() return p
[docs]def TeMic(shot, cutoff=0.15, abscissa='Rmid', t_min=None, t_max=None, electrons=None, efit_tree=None, remove_edge=False, remove_zeros=True): """Returns a profile representing electron temperature from the Michelson interferometer. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. abscissa : str, optional The abscissa to use for the data. The default is 'Rmid'. t_min : float, optional The smallest time to include. Default is None (no lower bound). t_max : float, optional The largest time to include. Default is None (no upper bound). electrons : MDSplus.Tree, optional An MDSplus.Tree object open to the electrons tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). efit_tree : eqtools.CModEFITTree, optional An eqtools.CModEFITTree object open to the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). remove_edge : bool, optional If True, will remove points that are outside the LCFS. It will convert the abscissa to psinorm if necessary. Default is False (keep edge). """ p = BivariatePlasmaProfile( X_dim=2, X_units=['s', 'm'], y_units='keV', X_labels=['$t$', r'$R_{mid}$'], y_label=r'$T_e$, Mic', weightable=False ) if electrons is None: electrons = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) N_Te = electrons.getNode(r'\electrons::top.ece.results.ece_te') t_Te = N_Te.dim_of(idx=1).data() Te = / 1e3 Rmid_Te = N_Te.dim_of(idx=0).data() channels = range(0, len(Rmid_Te)) dev_Te = 0.1 * scipy.absolute(Te) Rmid_grid, t_grid = scipy.meshgrid(Rmid_Te, t_Te) channel_grid, t_grid = scipy.meshgrid(channels, t_Te) Te = Te.flatten() err_Te = dev_Te.flatten() Rmid = scipy.atleast_2d(Rmid_grid.flatten()) t = scipy.atleast_2d(t_grid.flatten()) channels = channel_grid.flatten() X = scipy.hstack((t.T, Rmid.T)) p.shot = shot if efit_tree is None: p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) else: p.efit_tree = efit_tree p.abscissa = 'Rmid' p.add_data(X, Te, err_y=err_Te, channels={1: channels}) # Remove flagged points: p.remove_points(scipy.isnan(p.err_y) | scipy.isinf(p.err_y)) p.remove_points(p.y < cutoff) if remove_zeros: p.remove_points(p.y == 0.0) if t_min is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() < t_min) if t_max is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() > t_max) p.convert_abscissa(abscissa) if remove_edge: p.remove_edge_points() return p
[docs]def Te(shot, include=['CTS', 'ETS', 'FRCECE', 'GPC2', 'GPC', 'Mic'], FRCECE_rate='s', FRCECE_cutoff=0.15, GPC_cutoff=0.15, remove_ECE_edge=True, **kwargs): """Returns a profile representing electron temperature from the Thomson scattering and ECE systems. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. include : list of str, optional The data sources to include. Valid options are: ====== =============================== CTS Core Thomson scattering ETS Edge Thomson scattering FRCECE FRC electron cyclotron emission GPC Grating polychromator GPC2 Grating polychromator 2 ====== =============================== The default is to include all data sources. FRCECE_rate : {'s', 'f'}, optional Which timebase to use for FRCECE -- the fast or slow data. Default is 's' (slow). FRCECE_cutoff : float, optional The cutoff value for eliminating cut-off points from FRCECE. All points with values less than this will be discarded. Default is 0.15. GPC_cutoff : float, optional The cutoff value for eliminating cut-off points from GPC. All points with values less than this will be discarded. Default is 0.15. remove_ECE_edge : bool, optional If True, the points outside of the LCFS for the ECE diagnostics will be removed. Note that this overrides remove_edge, if present, in kwargs. Furthermore, this may lead to abscissa being converted to psinorm if an incompatible option was used. **kwargs All remaining parameters are passed to the individual loading methods. """ if 'electrons' not in kwargs: kwargs['electrons'] = MDSplus.Tree('electrons', shot) if 'efit_tree' not in kwargs: kwargs['efit_tree'] = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) p_list = [] for system in include: if system == 'CTS': p_list.append(TeCTS(shot, **kwargs)) elif system == 'ETS': p_list.append(TeETS(shot, **kwargs)) elif system == 'FRCECE': p_list.append(TeFRCECE(shot, rate=FRCECE_rate, cutoff=FRCECE_cutoff, **kwargs)) if remove_ECE_edge: p_list[-1].remove_edge_points() elif system == 'GPC2': p_list.append(TeGPC2(shot, **kwargs)) if remove_ECE_edge: p_list[-1].remove_edge_points() elif system == 'GPC': p_list.append(TeGPC(shot, cutoff=GPC_cutoff, **kwargs)) if remove_ECE_edge: p_list[-1].remove_edge_points() elif system == 'Mic': p_list.append(TeMic(shot, cutoff=GPC_cutoff, **kwargs)) if remove_ECE_edge: p_list[-1].remove_edge_points() else: raise ValueError("Unknown profile '%s'." % (system,)) p = p_list.pop() for p_other in p_list: p.add_profile(p_other) return p
[docs]def TeTS(shot, **kwargs): """Returns a profile representing electron temperature data from the Thomson scattering system. Includes both core and edge system. """ return Te(shot, include=['CTS', 'ETS'], **kwargs)
[docs]def emissAX(shot, system, abscissa='Rmid', t_min=None, t_max=None, tree=None, efit_tree=None, remove_edge=False): """Returns a profile representing emissivity from the AXA system. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. system : {AXA, AXJ} The system to use. abscissa : str, optional The abscissa to use for the data. The default is 'Rmid'. t_min : float, optional The smallest time to include. Default is None (no lower bound). t_max : float, optional The largest time to include. Default is None (no upper bound). tree : MDSplus.Tree, optional An MDSplus.Tree object open to the cmod tree of the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). efit_tree : eqtools.CModEFITTree, optional An eqtools.CModEFITTree object open to the correct shot. The shot of the given tree is not checked! Default is None (open tree). remove_edge : bool, optional If True, will remove points that are outside the LCFS. It will convert the abscissa to psinorm if necessary. Default is False (keep edge). """ p = BivariatePlasmaProfile( X_dim=2, X_units=['s', 'm'], y_units='MW/m$^3$', X_labels=['$t$', r'$R_{mid}$'], y_label=r'$\epsilon$, %s' % (system.upper()) ) if tree is None: tree = MDSplus.Tree('cmod', shot) if efit_tree is None: p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) else: p.efit_tree = efit_tree # Based on what was done in /usr/local/cmod/idl/GENIE/widgets/ N_emiss = tree.getNode('spectroscopy.bolometer.results.diode.%s.emiss' % (system,)) emiss = * 1e-6 R_mid = N_emiss.dim_of(idx=2).data() t = N_emiss.dim_of(idx=1).data() try: err_emiss = N_emiss.dim_of(idx=3).data() * 1e-6 except MDSplus.TdiException: err_emiss = 0.1 * emiss try: err_R_mid = 0.5 * (N_emiss.dim_of(idx=4).data() - N_emiss.dim_of(idx=5).data()) except MDSplus.TdiException: err_R_mid = scipy.zeros_like(emiss) t_grid = scipy.tile(t, (emiss.shape[1], 1)).T channels = scipy.tile(range(0, emiss.shape[1]), (emiss.shape[0], 1)) X = scipy.vstack((t_grid.ravel(), R_mid.ravel())).T err_X = scipy.zeros_like(X) err_X[:, 1] = err_R_mid.ravel() p.shot = shot p.abscissa = 'Rmid' # Add the data directly, since add_data seemed to cause a memory explosion. # Note that this will leave the arrays as float32, which could cause # problems elsewhere. p.X = X p.y = emiss.ravel() p.err_y = err_emiss.ravel() p.err_X = err_X p.channels = scipy.tile(scipy.arange(0, len(p.y)), (X.shape[1], 1)).T p.channels[:, 1] = channels.ravel() # Remove flagged points: if t_min is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() < t_min) if t_max is not None: p.remove_points(scipy.asarray(p.X[:, 0]).flatten() > t_max) p.convert_abscissa(abscissa) if remove_edge: p.remove_edge_points() return p
[docs]def emiss(shot, include=['AXA', 'AXJ'], **kwargs): """Returns a profile representing emissivity. Parameters ---------- shot : int The shot number to load. include : list of str, optional The data sources to include. Valid options are: {AXA, AXJ}. The default is to include both data sources. **kwargs All remaining parameters are passed to the individual loading methods. """ if 'tree' not in kwargs: kwargs['tree'] = MDSplus.Tree('cmod', shot) if 'efit_tree' not in kwargs: kwargs['efit_tree'] = eqtools.CModEFITTree(shot) p_list = [] for system in include: if system == 'AXA': p_list.append(emissAX(shot, 'AXA', **kwargs)) elif system == 'AXJ': p_list.append(emissAX(shot, 'AXJ', **kwargs)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown profile '%s'." % (system,)) p = p_list.pop() for p_other in p_list: p.add_profile(p_other) return p
[docs]def read_plasma_csv(*args, **kwargs): """Returns a profile containing the data from a CSV file. If your data are bivariate, you must ensure that time ends up being the first column, either by putting it first in your CSV file or by specifying its name first in `X_names`. The CSV file can contain metadata lines of the form "name data" or "name data,data,...". The following metadata are automatically parsed into the correct fields: ========== ====================================================== shot shot number times comma-separated list of times included in the data t_min minimum time included in the data t_max maximum time included in the data coordinate the abscissa the data are represented as a function of ========== ====================================================== If you don't provide `coordinate` in the metadata, the program will try to use the last entry in X_labels to infer the abscissa. If this fails, it will simply set the abscissa to the title of the last entry in X_labels. If you provide your data as a function of R, Z it will look for the last two entries in X_labels to be R and Z once surrounding dollar signs and spaces are removed. Parameters are the same as :py:func:`read_csv`. """ # TODO: Does not support transformed quantities! p = read_csv(*args, **kwargs) p.__class__ = BivariatePlasmaProfile metadata = dict([l.split(None, 1) for l in p.metadata]) if 'shot' in metadata: p.shot = int(metadata['shot']) p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(p.shot) if 'times' in metadata: p.times = [float(t) for t in metadata['times'].split(',')] if 't_max' in metadata: p.t_max = float(metadata['t_max']) if 't_min' in metadata: p.t_min = float(metadata['t_min']) if 'coordinate' in metadata: p.abscissa = metadata['coordinate'] else: if (p.X_dim > 1 and p.X_labels[-2].strip('$ ') == 'R' and p.X_labels[-1].strip('$ ') == 'Z'): p.abscissa = 'RZ' else: try: p.abscissa = _abscissa_mapping[p.X_labels[-1]] except KeyError: p.abscissa = p.X_labels[-1].strip('$ ') return p
[docs]def read_plasma_NetCDF(*args, **kwargs): """Returns a profile containing the data from a NetCDF file. The file can contain metadata attributes specified in the `metadata` kwarg. The following metadata are automatically parsed into the correct fields: ========== ====================================================== shot shot number times comma-separated list of times included in the data t_min minimum time included in the data t_max maximum time included in the data coordinate the abscissa the data are represented as a function of ========== ====================================================== If you don't provide `coordinate` in the metadata, the program will try to use the last entry in X_labels to infer the abscissa. If this fails, it will simply set the abscissa to the title of the last entry in X_labels. If you provide your data as a function of R, Z it will look for the last two entries in X_labels to be R and Z once surrounding dollar signs and spaces are removed. Parameters are the same as :py:func:`read_NetCDF`. """ # TODO: Does not support transformed quantities! metadata = kwargs.pop('metadata', []) metadata = set(metadata + ['shot', 'times', 't_max', 't_min', 'coordinate']) p = read_NetCDF(*args, metadata=metadata, **kwargs) p.__class__ = BivariatePlasmaProfile if hasattr(p, 'shot'): p.efit_tree = eqtools.CModEFITTree(p.shot) if hasattr(p, 'coordinate'): p.abscissa = p.coordinate else: if (p.X_dim > 1 and p.X_labels[-2].strip('$ ') == 'R' and p.X_labels[-1].strip('$ ') == 'Z'): p.abscissa = 'RZ' else: try: p.abscissa = _abscissa_mapping[p.X_labels[-1]] except KeyError: p.abscissa = p.X_labels[-1].strip('$ ') return p